Guruji: “… that’s why ramta jogi is compared to flowing water – it has no destination. Today here, tomorrow somewhere else, because he doesn’t have any obligations. A person sticks to a place only if he has some obligations.”
Q: Guruji, we were talking about Indo-European languages earlier. It appears that Sanskrit, Greek, and Latin have a lot of similarities, but there’s no such similarity between Indian languages – for example, Sanskrit and Tamil don’t have any.”
Guruji: “Yes, Sanskrit and Tamil are not similar. Tamil is more ancient. It is considered one of the most ancient languages, the original Dravidian language. I think the originator was Agastya Rishi, when we went to South India on Shiva-ji’s instructions. Sanskrit is originally considered the Aryan language, language of the gods.”
Q: “If Sanskrit is originally Aryan, then are we from outside?”
Guruji: “Here’s what I’ve analyzed: In olden time, in the glory of the king they used to say, ‘The one and only emperor from the Himalayas to the ocean. ‘ In this, ‘From Himalaya to the ocean’ includes the Indian peninsula, the complete Asia, Europe, and even Africa – African continent was attached before, it’s only separated by a canal even now. In Mahabharata also, it’s clear that the original Hastinapur was in Egypt. Pandavas were given khandawaprastha area which wasn’t developed. That was in India, Indraprastha, near Delhi. So basically the Indian peninsula was mainly inhabited by tribal people and ascetics who were highly advanced but also lived in harmony with nature.
“I think the first invasion was in the times of Lord Rama. That was also an interesting discovery. If you get a chance, refer to the Egyptian history – I read this in an article many years back: Ramases first was the king of Egypt. His father’s name was Dashrath. His wife was abducted by some Indian king, then his army general was sent to kill the Indian king and rescue his wife, and his capital was Ayudya named city situated near Haryu river which flows in the Middle East. We all know that they pronounced ‘sa’ as ‘ha’. May be Saryu became Haryu. I haven’t gotten a chance to read the Egyptian history more extensively, but take a look if you could find a reference to this.
“Another evidence is the exact route of the ‘grand escape’ of Pandavas described at the end of Mahabharata: First they went east and then crossed the red sea, etc. The red sea is in the east of Egypt only.
“I think these old civilizations were very advanced and used to live all over the place. Aryan civilization, or call it Arian civilization, because Arian is a Greek word which means Martian or influenced by Mars. I’ll give you good reference – it’s a book by Acharya Chatursen, ‘Vayam Rakshamah’. In the first half of the book, he’s extensively discussed this topic. Basically, he postulated that the old vedic kings were actually kings of the entire Earth. He also analyzed the phonetics of the roots of their names. Also, in wars, we’ve heard about the battle on Sumali grounds in Afganistan. Sumali was Ravana’s grandfather. There’s a lot of influence of Rama’s name. For example, there’s Ramallah where Yasir Arafat was captured. Even Rome appears close to Rama. Also, the Muslim month of Ramjan could have been derived from Ramajanaki. Jamshed, which is a popular Parsi name could be Yamashid. Macca Madina could be makhbhedani (the holy grounds of yajna). Africa also has many such names. For example Timbaktu is considered a distortion of taamrakunda (copper pool). There’s a place called Masnaar where king Marut did a grand yajna. They still find holy ash in the 100 miles area around. It’s somewhere in the Congo basin. It was also referred in the book of Sudarshan Singh Chakra.
“From all this it appears that once upon a time the vedic civilization had a great impact. What we call European culture of the white race only became prominent from time of Merlin the magician. Before that the British empire was nothing. The empire which king Richard the lionhearted established kept expanding with Merlin’s help. Now nobody knows the history before Greco-Roman times. If you read in Ramayana, there’s no description of upper body clothes for women. That means they used to live topless. It’s not possible to think about those times. Also the story of Troy is very similar to the story of Rama-Ravana war, if you take the Trojan horse part out. Heroes came out from Troy one at a time to fight and die, as what happened in Lanka. And the way the trojan horse was brought inside was similar to the way Vibhishan took Lakshman inside to kill Meghnad. These incidents have a ring of similarity.”
Q: “This appears inconsistent with the general claim that there wasn’t much of a human civilization 2-3 thousand years ago.”
Guruji: “That claim is wrong, as proven from the photographs that NASA released of setu-rama-baandh and clearly indicated that it’s man-made and gave a timeline of 750,000 years ago. I have also seen these photographs. If there was nothing 3000 years ago, how would the prehistoric man make that bridge 750,000 years ago which must have required a significant engineering feat? Sea-level has also increased since then, so the bridge is now underwater. Also, the timings of Treta yuga and Raam-Ravana war also matches – it happened 750,000 years ago which surprisingly matches the timeline of this bridge.
“I feel that with technological advancement, our understanding of history will also improve. For example in Peru and places of ancient Mayan-Sumerian civilizations like lake Titikaka, they’ve found many channels made of stone as if they are for energy flow but there were no wires. Few years ago people used to say that since there were no wires, these civilizations couldn’t be very advanced. Now everybody’s operating wireless! May be they were even more advanced than us and we are not able to understand them. Pyramids, for example, may have been built in Lord Rama’s times or Pandavas’ times, who knows. Otherwise why are they exactly in that particular location? What happens is that the western mind thinks according to itself; their understanding revolves around the Bible. They are not able to go beyond that. Some day if a researcher comes who would do an unbiased study of the Indian mythology and the Greek mythology and the other myths spread all over these lands, he would be able to get a better understanding of our past. All these things are nothing but evidences, recorded in one form or the other in different mythologies.
“There are some common records as well. For example, the great deluge. It’s in almost all mythologies. In Hindu mythology, Manu went on a boat after the flood. Bible say ‘Nooh’ built a boat. People started saying Noah’s ark but the original Hebrew name is Nooh. Manu and Nooh are so similar!
Q: “Guruji, what people originally inhabited India?”
Guruji: “Basically Dravidians used to rule here, who never used to invade anybody lived in harmony with nature. Their houses and cities were built in Harappa / Mohanjodaro style. They were very advanced and peaceful people. Aryans started the invasions. They must have come from the Middle East, because, as we discussed earlier, both Rama’s kingdom as well as Pandavas’ Hastinapur appear to be in Egypt. I just remembered a Tibetan book I read long time back; It described Kalki avatar to be born in a village named Sambal, and Tibetans have placed Sambal in Moscow, that Moscow is where Kalki would be born. That is a Tibetan point of view. I think when we think about our mythologies, we should take the entire Asia, Europe, and Africa into consideration. Only then we’ll be able to decode it’s secrets. ‘From the Himalayas all the way to the ocean’ has been repeated multiple times to describe the prominent kingdoms of the old.
“In a way even America was attached at some point through Alaska and Siberia. now this is from the current time frame. if we go even further back, geography says there was only one land, Gondwana. The shifting has happened later, continents started drifting away. There was only one land-mass. May be the descriptions in our Puranas was from around that time. But since Puranas refer to Himalaya, we can say they were written after Himalaya was formed. But I think there’s no reference to Himalaya in vedas. May be, I’m not sure. In Puranas there definitely is, also in Ramayana. But even in some of the old Puranas there’s no reference to Himalaya. For example, Vamana Purana has no reference to Himalaya. Neither in vedas’ richas (verses). Mountains are mentioned, Sumeru mountain is definitely referenced quite a lot. This means that some hints about the previous geography has reached us as well.”
[20110108-2] Recorded: Dec 24, 2003